Reach language fluency,
even on a busy schedule

Reach language fluency, even on a busy schedule

Learning tools that fit seamlessly into your daily life. Fully personalized and customizable.

Try it now for free!
Roo abstract image
Make the most of your busy schedule
Flip through flashcards while waiting in line, listen to terms on the go, or dive into long-form content during your focus time.
A personalized experience with full customization
Experience a revolutionary way to study your terms by reading and listening to content that is personalized to your ability level and known vocabulary.
Listening comprehension - the missing key
Listening comprehension is the most difficult skill to improve, but our approach will boost your learning like never before.
Import, create, and edit with ease
Our user-friendly platform gets you up and running at lightning speed with new flashcards or imported cards from popular platforms like Quizlet and Anki.
Experience the future of learning with roo. Register your account today and unlock the full potential of your study sessions!

What can you do with roo?

Learn anytime anywhere

All of Roo's learning tools include an audio option so you can learn in the car, on a walk, or anywhere else your busy schedule takes you.

Studying while working out, driving, or walking

Conversations with your vocabulary

Deepen your understanding by seeing and hearing your vocabulary in the context of common conversations. A fully customizable experience that brings you closer to fluency.


A: Buenos días, ¿me podría dar el menú, por favor?

A: Good morning, could I have the menu, please?

B: Por supuesto. Aquí tiene. ¿Qué le gustaría ordenar?

B: Of course. Here you go. What would you like to order?


Full immersion with engaging narratives

Turn your vocabulary into an engaging story that will immerse you in the language in a way that doesn't even feel like learning.


...Chaque jour, il aide sa grand-mère. Ils font des plats délicieux. Un jour, un chef célèbre vient au village...

...Every day, he helps his grandmother. They make delicious dishes. One day, a famous chef comes to the village...

Flashcard study on the go

Quiz yourself and engage in active recall to improve your vocabulary in a hands-free and eyes-free way. Audio flashcards turn moments like commuting into pockets of active learning.

Sound waves

Rapid flashcard generation

Need to learn some new vocabulary? All you need is a list of words or a few paragraphs of content, and we'll instantly craft flashcards to help you master every term.

Picture of language form

Enhance existing decks

Collaborate with our AI assistant to refine, improve, and make your flashcard decks the best version possible. It's time to supercharge your study sessions.

I want more words about common chores and daily activities.
These new cards focus on vocabulary related to common chores and daily activities in Korean.
wash dishes

Use Roo to improve your academic learning too!

Roo can bring a whole new level of efficiency to studying academic topics! You can

  • Instantly generate flashcards from learning materials or topics.
  • Enhance existing decks with our AI assistant.
  • Use all of your favorite language-learning features like audio flashcards to maximize your study time.

Click here to transform your academic learning!

When you think of efficient learning, think of roo's unparalleled features that cater to your unique study needs. Discover the difference and leap ahead in your academic journey. Experience it now!